Find Your People

"So, please remember, beneath the nursing bra, the baggy clothes, and the incessant mental fog, there is a woman who had the courage, the wisdom, and the ultimate abandon to begin this journey. Do not forsake her, do not doubt her, do not punish her. She is only human, and in her own way, in her own time, she will eventually find her stride and rhythm. And when you share in awe at that perfectly formed chin, know that deep within you and for thousands of miles around, you are now part of a grand collective, a sisterhood who shares your story, who feels your pain, and yet above all, knows a love like none before. Welcome. -Jeannette D'antonio

My son was born in Portland, Oregon. It's been christened "a birthing bubble" for the unlimited amount of options and resources for guiding you through pregnancy, birth, and being a new parent. 

After becoming a new mother, you can begin to feel alone very quickly, especially without the luxury of family living close by. I will forever be grateful to the support groups that were available in this delicate time. While it was now more work to get out of the house with this tiny little being, it was always worth it to be able to be surrounded by other women who regardless of age, occupation, or preferred parenting method, they got it. Everyone was in the same place, somewhere between twitterpated and "is this normal?". Not only was it reassuring to talk to other women having the same experience and hear their stories, but it was a great reason to get out of the house and be around people that didn't regurgitate their food 10 times a day. 

There has been one group in particular that has stood out. A very special group of women that have created a community of moms, and a couple dads, first timers and veterans. Each member of the community has opened their arms and hearts to each other; being available to listen or lend advice, all without judgment.

There have been far too many times that I have turned to other groups or forums on the internet, a world of anonymity, where questions surrounding every issue of raising a child becomes vicious, self-righteous, judgmental, and cruel. 

Fortunately, there are still people who believe in supporting each other in any way that they can, regardless of difference. 

Each of us has learned that this parenting gig is no walk in the park (ironically, there are quite a lot of walks in the park).It is not a path you want to take alone; you need people with an open mind that will support you and really hear you. 

There are days when you will want a person you know to answer your questions about a what bedtime is normal, trade baby clothes with, someone to watch your kid for just an hour while your try and clean the house without an ankle weight, or even just someone to have coffee with while you watch your babies eat napkins and taste the unknown morsel they found under the table. 

Things can get weird.

So find your people. And remember to hold the judgments, because every person who has taken the path of parenthood knows that its not always perfect, you don't always have the right answers.

When it comes down to it, we just need a safe place where we are reminded that someone gets it and that you are not alone.

These are just a few of those wonderful women. They are the women of the Bridgetown Breeders. 


Elle & Paloma 

Christen & Mason

Janina & Teddy

Lisa & Marcel

Laura & Jack

Sophia & Aki

Grace & Axel