
Play Music Together


A couple months ago Tracy contacted me about doing a mini session for her family. She was wanting to celebrate her son, Harrison, turning 9 months; he'd now spent the same amount of time in the world as he had in the womb. I love this perspective, its amazing to think how much these little humans have developed in a mere 18 months of existence. 

This is such a great family with warm and welcoming energy. Our time together was spent in their home where we talked, laughed, played with blocks and enjoyed a bit of music. We discovered so many little things we had in common from people we knew to both our husbands being named Ben who also happen to be beer brewers. By the end I was left wondering how I hadn't met this awesome family before now. It makes this photography gig even more rewarding to be able to walk away after a session and feel you've really captured something special with someone who was once a stranger but now you can call a friend.